Press release

Venue: Israel Consulate, Istanbul

Date: May 31st 2021

Time: 12:30

Palestine is still in war!

No liberation is possible,

Without the demise of Israel,

Without the defeat of imperialism!

Zionists had stormed the Mavi Marmara flotilla on May 31st2010, murdering ten of its crew members. That bloodshed has since been a litmus test for those claiming to be anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist.

The despotic regime in Turkey, which has pretended to stand by Palestine, failed the test when it signed a treaty with Israel in December 2016 just for the sake of a handful of natural gas, which would lead to dropping the assault-related charges against the Zionist entity.   

The despotic regime, which had taken a “stern” stance against the attacks on the Sheikh Jarrah and Gaza strip, was once more caught red-handed when it was exposed that IsraeliMinister of Energy Steinitz would visit Turkey as the first step of normalization process. 

We, as Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism, invite you to attend our press release to be held in front of the Israeli Consulate to commemorate the eleventh anniversary of the Mavi Marmara massacre and to condemn those who have overtly or covertly collaborated with Israel.

Notre message de solidarité avec le Collectif Palestine vaincra

Chers camarades du Collectif Palestine Vaincra,

Nous, en tant que “Les Amis de Palestine contre l’impérialisme et Sionisme”, voulons bien transmettre notre plus chaleureuse sentiments de solidarité. L’entité Sioniste mène une campagne de terrorisme ouverte contre le peuple palestinien et toutes les instances qui osent montrer leur soutien vis-à-vis la résistance héroïque en Palestine. Nous considérons les menaces de dissolution contre votre collectif, tout comme la campagne contre Samidoun, un exemple infame de cette agression Sioniste qui dépasse les limites de Palestine et une partie des agressions, organisée par les Sionistes et leur laquais comme gouvernement Macron. Chers camarades, permettez-nous d’exprimer notre solidarité inconditionnelle dans votre lutte, jusqu’au jour où on détruira l’entité Sioniste – par tous les moyens possibles.

Les Amis de Palestine contre l’impérialisme et Sionisme

Liberté pour Ahmad Sa’adat et tous les captifs politiques palestiniens !

Le Mouvement des Amis de la Palestine contre l’Impérialisme et le Sionisme demande qu’Ahmad Sa’adat et ses 4500 compatriotes palestiniens soient libérés des prisons israéliennes. Les captifs de cet État illégitime comprennent 160 enfants et quelque 450 palestiniens qui n’ont jamais fait l’objet d’accusations ou de procès, détenus selon une pratique sioniste appelée « détention administrative », qui est ouvertement contraire aux principes fondamentaux du droit internationalement acceptés.

Sa’adat, le secrétaire général du Front Populaire de Libération de la Palestine (FPLP), est condamné à 30 ans par les occupants sionistes le 25 décembre 2008, après avoir été violemment enlevé de la prison de l’Autorité palestinienne à Jéricho en 2006, où il avait été tenu sous la garde américaine et britannique.

Quel moment historique qui trace à merveille une ligne audacieuse entre les oppresseurs et les opprimés ! Les impérialistes, les sionistes et leur régime fantoche d’un côté, la résistance communiste palestinienne de l’autre.

Le camarade Sa’adat a combattu le capitalisme, le racisme, l’apartheid et la colonisation en tant que membre de son organisation. Bien que sa captivité soit un scandale pour tous les palestiniens, aujourd’hui, ses camarades portent sans relâche le drapeau de l’émancipation. Les perdants sionistes sont clairement conscients du fait qu’ils doivent emprisonner chaque palestinien pour arrêter la lutte glorieuse des palestiniens.

Aujourd’hui, nous nous associons à l’appel du Réseau de Solidarité des Prisonniers Palestiniens Samidoun et appelons une fois de plus à la libération immédiate de Sa’adat des prisons sionistes, comme nous l’avons fait à maintes reprises. Nous soulignons également la condition sine qua non d’une véritable amitié avec le peuple palestinien et d’un réel soutien aux captifs palestiniens : un boycott efficace de l’entité sioniste, y compris une interdiction totale du commerce avec Israël et la fin immédiate de toutes les relations militaires et de renseignement avec. Une condition sine qua non que les gouvernements turcs ne remplissent jamais !

Combattons le sionisme et l’impérialisme, pour la liberté de Sa’adat et tous les captifs palestiniens !

Combattons les collaborateurs traîtres appelés l’Autorité palestinienne, pour l’émancipation des palestiniens !

Combattons les régimes arabes réactionnaires, pour que la volonté de tous les peuples de la région devienne réalité !

Combattons pour une Palestine libre, démocratique, laïque et socialiste du fleuve à la mer!

Freedom for Ahmad Sa’adat and All Palestinian Political Captives!

The Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism Movement demands that Ahmad Sa’adat and his fellow 4500 Palestinians be released/freed from Israeli prisons. This illegitimate state’s captives include 160 children and some 450 Palestinians who have never faced any charges or trials, held under a Zionist practice called the “administrative detention,” which is obviously contradictory to even the internationally accepted basic principles of law.

Sa’adat, the General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), is sentenced to 30 years by the Zionist occupiers on 25 December 2008, after being violently abducted from the Palestinian Authority’s Jericho prison in 2006, where he had been held under U.S. and British guard.

What a historical moment that marvellously draws a bold line between the oppressors and the oppressed! The imperialists, Zionists and their puppet regime on the one side, the Palestinian communist resistance on the other.

Comrade Sa’adat fought against capitalism, racism, apartheid and colonization, as a member of his organization. Although his captivity is an outrage for all Palestinians, today, his comrades are carrying the flag of emancipation restlessly. The Zionist losers are clearly aware of the fact that they must imprison every single Palestinian in order to stop the glorious struggle of Palestinians.

Today, we join the call of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network and once again call for Sa’adat’s immediate release from the Zionist prisons, as did we many times before. We also do stress a sine qua non of a real friendship with the Palestinian people and a real support to the Palestinian captives: An effective boycott of the Zionist entity, including a full ban on trade with Israel and an immediate end to all military & intelligence relations with it. A sine qua non that Turkish governments never fulfil! 

Fight Zionism and imperialism, for the freedom of Saadat and other Palestinian captives!

Fight the traitor collaborators called the Palestinian Authority, for the emancipation of the Palestinians!

Fight the reactionary Arab regimes, for the will of all peoples of the region to become the reality!

Fight for a free, democratic, secular and socialist Palestine from the river to the sea!

No to Trump’s imperialist plans! No to any normaliation with Israel! Long live the intifada!

We held a demonstration in the front of the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul / Turkey to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Second Intifada and the 38th anniversary of Sabra and Shatila massacres and to protest the attempts for the so-called “normalization” process initiated first by Trump’s “Deal of the Century” and then promoted by the treaties signed between Israel and some Arab states.

Our banner read “No to Trump’s imperialist plan and normalization with Israel! Long live Intifada!” in Turkish, Arabic and English. Some of our slogans were: “Free Palestine from the sea to the river!”, “Expel the Israeli ambassador!”, “Sever all relationships with Israel!”, “Israel will be defeated! Palestine will win!”   

Below you’ll find a translation of the statement read there by Kutlu Dane, one of our spokespersons: 

Dear reporters, and friends of Palestinian people,

Today we are here, in front of the Israel’s so-called consulate, once again to release a press statement about two Palestinian-question-related anniversaries alongside a string of recent political developments. The statement is intended both to reiterate our support to the right to return and to condemn the Zionist Israel and its imperialist collaborators. 

The Zionist entity founded at the expense of expelling hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their lands in 1948 has been touted, unfortunately successfully, by Zionists as a civilized and modern state. The Consulate building behind us is one of the places where that propaganda aimed at whitewashing Israel’s crimes is manufactured and disseminated. 

38 years ago, Phalangists under Zionist auspices committed a massacre in the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Israeli-besieged Beirut, with a death toll of 3.000. Israeli occupying forces helped their phalangist allies by launching flares to illuminate the camp area and blocking the gates to prevent refugees from surviving the attack.

Israel and its cohorts perpetrated that crime within a couple of days, before the international force deployed to protect the camps arrived and after the Palestinian resistance organizations had left Lebanon as stipulated in the international treaty. Hence that was a premeditated ignominious mass murder and an ethnic cleansing inspired undoubtedly by the methods of Nazis. If Anne Frank had been still alive, we are sure that she would have spitted on the faces of those barbarians and that she would have mourned for her Palestinian sisters and brothers killed in those camps.  

Sabra and Shatila massacres were also assaults against the right to return.

But the Palestinian people have never kneeled down! Having experienced many massacres inflicted by Zionism almost since 1930s, the Palestinian people have embarked on a world-renowned and inspiring struggle, which reached its climax in the intifadas of 1987 and 2000. This week is the anniversary of the latter, which had begun on September 28th 2000. That great uprising during which 4.000 Palestinians, including 11 year old Muhammed Al-Durra who was shot dead hiding behind his father, have been martyred had shown the whole world how barbaric Zionism was.     

Second Intifada was an upheaval for the Palestinian people to claim their right to return.

As thousands of Palestinians have been martyred for the cause, a section of the Palestinian leadership had already begun to act in cahoots with the illegitimate Israeli state. The cause was betrayed first by Anwar Sadat, and then by Arafat in 80s. The negotiations called Oslo Process have resulted eventually in the Palestinian Authority, which does dirty jobs in the West Bank for Israel! That imperialism and Zionism collude, overtly or covertly, with the reactionary Arab regimes unfortunately diminishes the hopes to return of the Palestinian people. Recognizing the Zionist entity, Arab countries which have turned into lackeys of the US imperialism pave the ways for more brutality against the Palestinian people. The so-called “normalization” process initiated by Trump’s “deal of the century”, which demands total surrender of the Palestinian people in return for a small land and a share from oil revenues, is now enhanced by the treaties signed between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Oman and Saudi Arabia wait for their turn.

That so-called normalization is nothing but an attack on the right to return.

But we would like to make sure that Zionists’ flagrant moves will never make us fear. Neither the Palestinian people nor we give up fighting. Just look at the anti-Zionist protestors flocking to the streets of Manama, Cairo, Latin America, Europe and USA or at the unbreakable resistance of the gallant Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.

Palestinian people’s fight for the right to return will last till Israel is destroyed!

On the other hand, Turkish governments’ criticism towards the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain is clear example of hypocrisy. Turkey has “normalized” its relationship with Israel long before those countries did! We forget neither the strong economic, intelligence and military collaborations between Turkey and Israel nor how you withdrew the Mavi Marmara case. Stop using Palestine as a bargaining chip for natural gas found in the Eastern Mediterranean! Expel the Israeli ambassador! Sever all relationships with Israel!  

We would like to emphasize that we hold that demonstration on the call of Samidoun (Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network) and pro-Palestinian organizations. We will keep fighting against Zionism and acting in solidarity with the Palestinian people till the day Israel is destroyed! 

We will do so till the last intifada, which will be the last nail in the coffin of Israel, and lead to a free, secular, democratic and socialist Palestine from the sea to the river!  

Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism

September 25th 2020

We have organized a protest in front of the Israeli consulate: “Side with intifada, not with annexation!”

We held a demonstration in front of the so-called Israeli Consulate in Levent, Istanbul, in order to protest the Israel’s U.S-backed plan to annex up to 30% of the West Bank. We marched from the Levent underground station to the consulate building with slogans and a long banner saying “side with the intifada, not with imperialist aggression and the Zionist annexation!”.   

We also carried placards both demanding immediate release of Georges Abdallah, a Lebanese communist imprisoned in France who called for solidarity with the Palestinian people, and featuring the Al Fatah-issued Palestinian identity card of a Turkish revolutionary, Deniz Gezmiş, who had fought against Israeli army. 

Approaching towards the Consulate building, we appealed to the people for supporting the Palestinian cause. The during-march propaganda exposing the crimes committed by Zionism and the U.S imperialism, and the collaborationist politics of the AKP drew attention from the people around.  

It was seen that the Consulate, which was conscious that the annexation plan would be a cardinal crime perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people and all oppressed nations, had requested the Istanbul police to take large security measures such as security lines, riot police and water cannons.

We exposed the hypocrisy of the AKP government, which, on the one hand, has feigned opposition against Zionist aggression and, on the other hand, has dropped the Mavi Marmara case alongside strengthening its trade relationship with Israel and negotiating with Israel on the Palestinian gas fields.

We demanded the expulsion Israeli ambassador, and all commercial, military and political relations be severed. We called academics, sportspersons, artists and the relevant organizations to support the boycott movement and to cut off all their ties with Israel.

We reiterated our call for rejecting all sponsorships offered by ARTISRAEL, an organization that has played an important role in whitewashing the crimes of Israel. We also called on the Göztepe Football Club of Izmir to terminate its contract with Puma, which has sponsored Zionism.  

See below for the text of the press release read out by our spokesperson Naz Şakar:

Dear reporters, and friends of Palestine,

We have asserted persistently since the first day of our campaign that the Zionist Israeli state should be destroyed.  

We have also emphasized that the plan of a “two-state solution” should be rejected.

Zionists having been emboldened by Trump’s “deal of the century” now make preparations to announce that they are annexing some parts of the Jordan River Valley and of the West Bank that they had failed to usurp in 1948 and 1967.

We declare in our manifesto that Israel is a cancerous cell that should be prevented from spreading, that is, it should be torn down!

Therefore, as having been seen in the Madrid Conference in 1991 and Oslo negotiations in 1993, “diplomacy” is not a proper means to deal with that racist and aggressive state. Palestinian people have nothing left to negotiate. The only way to deal with the Zionist entity is to wage an all-out fight against it.

Dear reporters, and friends of Palestine,

We call on the laboring classes of Turkey to side with the Palestinian people because imperialism and Zionism that persecute the Palestinian people are also those that suck blood of the workers and laborers of Turkey. Therefore, the plan to annex the West Bank is also an attack against us.

The AKP government, on the one hand, has pretended to be anti-Zionist and, on the other hand, has dropped the Mavi Marmara case alongside strengthening its trade, military, diplomatic and intelligence relations with Israel and negotiating with Israel on the Palestinian gas fields.

As that illegitimate entity occupies the Palestinian territory, art organizations do not hesitate to receive funds from the ARTISRAEL.

AKP government approves the re-launch of Israeli cargo flights.

We are sure that they will soon begin to negotiate on the pipelines!

Today what those who are true friends of Palestine should do against prospective annexations is to end all their relationships with that illegitimate entity.

We, as Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism, will do whatever is required to stop the Zionist aggression.

We will turn their dreams into nightmares.

We will stand firmly against the Zionist expansionism.

We will support the Palestinian cause and fight against imperialism and Zionism until the day a free, secular and socialist Palestine is established!

Long live the Palestinian cause!

Down with the Zionist Israeli State!

Down with imperialism!

Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism

1st July 2020

We have held a demonstration in İzmir to protest the captivances of Georges Abdallah and Ahmad Saadat

On Sunday 21st of June, we organized a demonstration in front of the French honorary consulate in İzmir and protested the captivities of our two comrades, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and Ahmad Saadat. Below, you may find our press announcement that we read there:

Dear reporters, and friends of Palestinian people,

Today we, Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism, are here to demand freedom, in the persons of our courageous comrades Georges Ibrahim Abdallah and Ahmad Sa’adat, for allmilitants who have been kept captive in the imperialist and Zionist prisons. 

Ahmad Sa’adat and Georges Ibrahim Abdallah have been deprived, respectively, by Israel for 18 years and by French imperialism for 36 years, of their freedom.

However, what those two revolutionaries have done cannot be treated as crime!

Those two socialist militants fought against the French-backed Zionism invading Palestine and Lebanon, 

as did the Kara Yılan (“Black Snake”, the assumed name of one of the heroes of the National Independence War who is immortalized in the Nazım Hikmet’s book “Kuvay-ı Milliye Destanı”)after French imperialism had occupied the province of Antep,

and as did Yörük Ali and Demirci Mehmet Efe after the English-backed Greek armed forces hadinvaded the province of Izmir!

Abdallah and Sa’adat incessantly struggled against the enemy and never sought reconciliation with imperialists. They refused to bow down to Zionism, which has expelled the Palestinian Arabs to establish a country that would serve as an imperial outpost in the Middle East. They fought to the end!

Georges Ibrahim Abdallah is a Lebanese communist revolutionary who has devoted his life to the fight against imperialism and Zionism. He has been kept captive since 1984 in France for allegedly being the founder of the organization called Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Factions (LARF). As the French- and US-backed Zionist Israel was occupying Lebanon, that organization both fought against the occupying forces, and expanded the war right into the heart of the imperialist countries by targeting those who have provided Zionists with military and monetary aid. Georges Abdallah is held culpable also for the killings of Charles R. Ray, the then U.S military attaché to France, and Yaakov Bar-Simantov, the then head of the French mission of the Israeli intelligence agency. He should have been released 22 years ago, however, France still keeps him captive.

Ahmad Sa’adat is the captive leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).  He has devoted all his life to the struggle against Zionism after he had joined the Palestinian Student Union in 1967. From the early 1970s to 1994 when he was elected as the head of the West Bank branch of PFLP, he has been detained many times by the Zionists. He undertook the leadership of the organization after Abou Ali Moustapha was martyred by Israel in 2001. In 2006,the Zionist thugs raided the prison where he has since 2002 been kept jailed by the so-called“Palestinian Autonomous Authority”, and abducted him.

Dear reporters, and friends of Palestinian people,

The struggle that has been carried out by Georges Abdallah and Ahmad Sa’adat bears tremendous importance for us in many respects. 

Those two socialist militants and leaders have always been conscious of the fact that Zionists and their imperialist collaborators would never bring prosperity to the laboring classes of those countries. That is why Abdallah is still in prison in France whilst the collaborator “Palestinian Autonomous Authority” is favored by European imperialism.      

Those two socialist militants and leaders have fought for a socialist, secular and democratic political program and against religious sectarianism. Their struggle shows that the Palestinian cause cannot be confined within the boundaries of political Islamism, and that the cause itself is a bannerof resistance under which the oppressed of all languages, countries and beliefs come together. 

We, Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism, stand in solidarity with those two comrades and embrace their struggle. Israel, which has touted itself as the only democratic country in the Middle East, and France, which has pretended to champion human rights, should immediately release our comrades. 

Down with French imperialism!

Down with American imperialism!

Down with the regimes in collaboration with imperialism and Zionism!

Down with Zionist Israeli State!

Free George Abdallah and Ahmad Sa’adat!

Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism

We were in front of the Zionists’ consulate building on Nakba Day

We, Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism Platform, jointly with members of the Revolutionary Workers’ Party (DIP) of Turkey, held a demonstration in front of the so-called Consulate General of Israel in Levent, Istanbul, in order to mark the 72nd anniversary of Nakba Day, and to protest the decades-long Zionist oppression and occupation in Palestine. We emphasized in our press release that the Coronavirus epidemic has aggravated the plight of the Palestinian people. Zionists neither allow them to take measures necessary to stall the spread of Covid-19 nor let them receive proper treatment. And we urged that Turkey sever all military, diplomatic, cultural, academic and economic relations with Israel; and that the Israeli ambassador be expelled from our country.   

Freedom for Georges Abdallah (Nakba Demonstration in Istanbul)

Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism organized a demonstration in front of the consulate of Israel in Istanbul.

During the demonstration our comrade Burak Sayım from France, who participates in the campaign Free Georges Abdallah made a speech in Turkish and French, demanding freedom for Abdallah and all Palestinian prisoners.

Our appeal to the Flying Broom Women’s Film Festival: Terminate your relationship with the murderers of the Palestinian Women!

Zionist Israel’s propaganda device ARTISRAEL is among the sponsors of the 23rd Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival, held by the Flying Broom Foundation located in Ankara / Turkey. ARTISRAEL is an organization aiming to whitewash Israel’s crimes against Palestinian people, including Palestinian women, by transfering its propaganda budget to some cultural events around the world. Israel killed at least 8 women just in 2019. (See B’tselem’s web page for details)

Today, Palestinian people call for the boycott of every cultural event that accepts Israeli funding in some way, as a part of a more general boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, namely the BDS movement which we, the Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Zionist Friends of Palestine do support. This movement is inspired by the famous anti-Apartheid movement against the Apartheid South Africa, and became the foremost enemy of the Zionist occupiers in Palestinian lands. In Turkey, there’s a BDS community calling for the cultural boycott of Israel since 2009, which the organisers can not be unaware of.

We strongly appeal to the organizers of the 23rd Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival, to terminate their relationship with the Zionist occupier. You may find our letter to the foundation below:

An Appeal to the Organizers of the 23rd Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival

Terminate your sponsorship relationship with Zionist Israel, the murderer of the Palestinian women! 

Do not let the Zionist entity whitewash and normalize its crimes over your cultural activities!

Zionist Israel is an illegitimate discriminatory entity, a contemporary replica of the Apartheid regime in the South Africa, which keeps the Palestinian territory under occupation and annexes more lands day by day, alongside imposing a brutal blockade on a 2 million population in the Gaza Strip for 14 years.  

That entity has imprisoned 17.000 Palestinian women since 1967. In 2019 alone, 40 Palestinian women were detained by the Zionist invader. They have been kept captives in Israeli prison, being deprived of basic human rights such as privacy and education.   

One of those is Mays Abu Gosh (22), a student of journalism, who was detained by Zionist soldiers on August 29th 2019, and has been tortured and mistreated systematically at the Maskubiyeh detention center for 30 days.  

On April 28th 2020, Zionists arbitrarily stripped Gosh and two other female Palestinian captives, one of whom was Palestinian politician Khalida Jarrar who was detained on October 31st and is yet to stand trial, of the right to communicate with family.

Zionist snipers targeted and massacred civilians, including women, who in last two years joined the Great Return March held in the north of the Gaza Strip.

We have no doubt that you remember American female activist Rachel Corrie, who was run over by an armored bulldozer in 2003, or Razan al-Najjar, a nurse who was shot dead by live ammunition during the Great Return March in June 2018, not to mention the Palestinian women slaughtered during Israeli shelling in the Gaza Strip, or at the check points in the West Bank.

Dear organizers,

We would like to ensure you that ARTISRAEL, one of your sponsors among many others, is a propaganda instrument funded directly by that state, and established to tout murderous Israel as a heaven of freedom and beacon of democracy. Many organizations, first and foremost the BDS movement, around the world fight against that entity.

We appeal to you for not collaborating with the invaders, and supporting Palestinians resisting against them.

We call on you to adhere to the values that your foundation declares on its website. If you are a pro-human-rights and pro-nonviolence women’s organization that stands against discrimination of any kind, whether it be political, religious, lingual, racial, class or sexual, what you should do today is to heed the call by the Palestinian people and women, and thus terminating your sponsorship relationship with ARTISRAEL, which was established to absolve the crimes committed by Israel.

Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism