Zionist allegations of rape are revealed to be false, Zionists cover up their own sexual crimes

Ever since the onset of Operation al Aqsa Flood on October 7th, 2023, the Zionists have been raising accusations of rape and sexual harassment of Israeli women by Palestinian freedom fighters. While no video or any other kind of evidence had been made publicly available for this accusation, countless examples of Israeli cruelty – sexual or otherwise – have been flooding social media around the world. Friends of the Palestinian liberation struggle have been demanding the evidence to stop the smear campaign against Palestinian freedom fighters. Zionists, on the other hand, have been raising nothing but unbacked stories to portray Palestinians as barbarians.

One unnamed Israeli paramedic interviewed by the New York Times on December 28th has been one of the chief sources of this accusation. This medic had claimed to have found evidence of sexual abuse on the corpses of two partially clothed teenage women in the Be’eni settlement upon his investigation after October 7th. So far, this statement has been among the main pillars of the accusation.

But the recently revealed video footage from the settlement taken by an Israeli soldier on the day of the attack belie this story. The video shows three fully clothed women with no signs of rape or harassment. Of course, it is not known whether the house in the video is the same house that the medic was referring to. Further investigation by Israeli communities themselves have also falsified the claim so far. Upon being contacted by the New York Times again, the anonymous medic declined to comment further, replying elusively that he wanted to put the attack behind him.

Meanwhile, circumstantial and limited visual evidence of Israeli rape, torture, and harassment has been mounting with no impact on the imperialist press. Not a single news article about Israeli cruelty has been released in the mainstream imperialist press, despite the livestreams by the victims themselves and their loved ones. The Zionists worldwide have been outspoken apologists of these well-founded accusations, claiming that indefensible things happen during wars. This double-standard, shameless attitude is enough to demonstrate how much of a sham Zionism rests on.

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