First screening of the Fedayin documentary with Turkish subtitles took place in Paris

As the “Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism”, and in partnership with the United Campaign for Freedom for George Abdallah and ADHK, we organized the screening of the documentary “Fedayin: George Abdallah’s Combat” in Paris on Friday, January 21. The screening took at the Dersim Cultural Center in Paris, with the Turkish subtitles that were recently translated by the militants of the Friends of Palestine against Imperialism and Zionism. While the majority of the audience consisted of people originally from Turkey, comrades from France, Bangladesh Tunisia and Morocco were also present.

In the stand we set up at the entrance of the event, we presented Turkish and English leaflets introducing our platform to the participants, as well as the French translation of the text entitled “Freedom for George Ibrahim Abdallah” adopted by the 6th Congress of the DIP (Revolutionary Workers Party) from Turkey.

The event started with a minute of silence observed for the martyrs of the revolution. A militant from the United Campaign for Freedom for George Abdallah first introduced comrade George Abdullah and his struggle in French. Our comrade, the representative of the Friends of Palestine, addressed the participants in Turkish, stressing our determination to take George Abdullah from the clutches of French imperialism, and urged all participants to participate in the rally that will be held at the Administrative Court during the hearing on January 27.

The screening and the ensuing exchanges came to an end with an appeal to come together for the rally on January 27th.

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